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Home Surge Protection

Electrical surges are often unexpected spikes in voltage that can claim the life of many appliances, electronics and other electrically-powered items that are plugged into outlets. While many. people think a power surge only occurs when the power goes out,  it can also be caused by overloading your electrical system with something as simple as running your dishwasher. You could conceivably lose thousands of dollars worth of computers, TVs and appliances during a power surge! The best way to protect your home and property is to install a whole house surge protector. This is a small investment that could save you a lot of grief down the road.

home surge protection
Image by Kam Idris

Flat Screen Installation

When you need a flush outlet with hidden wiring for wall mounting of any size TV, Knorr can help.

GFCI Outlets

GFCI or Ground Fault Circuit-Interrupter is an outlet designed to protect against electric shock by grounding the faults. These outlets are always installed indoors in areas that may come in contact with moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens, or every outdoor area where you need an electrical outlet.


gfci outlet outside use

For these and other small installations and repairs, call KNORR Electrical Contractor today at (610) 579-1056.

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